For the second consecutive year we had the pleasure to organise the stuff party of the famous offshore company Amdocs based in Limassol staffed by over than 300 employees. The …
[:en]I have been living and working in Cyprus for 11 years and can say without a minute of hesitation that you and your team by no means is one of the rare professionals you might be lucky to find on the island.[:el]Ζω και εργάζομαι στην Κύπρο για 11 χρόνια και μπορώ να πω χωρίς δισταγμό πως εσείς και η ομάδα σας είσαστε από τους λίγους επαγγελματίες που υπάρχουν στο νησί.[:]
Alla Caminaridou - Deputy Director, MGI Gregoriou & Co, Certified Public Accountants (CY)