The parameter of lighting is divided into two categories.The stage and party lighting and the aesthetic or architectural lighting of a venue.
With the first category we aim at elevating properly the entertainment we offer since we believe that one organized team of entertainment, which presents a performance, should have the right ambience lighting in order to elevate their presence on stage. Further on in case of the party lighting we are using lighting effects (colorful lights, lasers, moving heads and various beams) to create the correct atmosphere on the dance floor in order to «push» easily everybody to join he dance floor.
With the second category, which is equally important, we can achive the metamorphosis of a venue (indoors or outdoors) by using aesthetic lighting in great variety of colors. We can undertake every place from scratch and convert it in a beautiful place for events. Imagine, for example, a beach or the garden of your house with dimmable lighting and with loud colors, with which we will colour trees, bushes, walls, stone surfaces e.t.c giving emphasis on the points that we wish to point out or hide the negative points of the place.
Wireless Decorative Lighting
By using the latest technology of self-power LED lighting units we are now happy to work wirelessly providing our lighting services for events, parties and weddings faster and with better aesthetic, avoiding the mess of wirings. Our units are powered with a build-in battery can be powered at least for seven hours. Wireless lighting units are also able to receive DMX signals through a build-in receiver. With a wireless transmitter we can instantly control all the functions of the unit from a distance up to 200 meters.
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You cannot imagine how excited all of our delegates were and they’re still thanking us for our successful event!Alla Caminaridou Deputy Director - MGI Gregoriou & Co, Certified Public Accountants (CY)
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